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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
We love Mondays!
Things are getting a little hectic. Not 'yikes' hectic but more 'fun' hectic. Husband's schedule was always at a different pace. But now, looks like the rest of the family will soon match his! The kids are at an age when they want to do more than just school. Lots more! The little bundles of energy want to try everything and take on more. This is how our week looks like...
Sun- Music class
Tue- My Mandarin class
Wed- Balavihar
Thu- V's Swimming
Fri- Tennis with Dad
Sat- Dad's music class and Kids' Mandarin class
Monday is our day of 'nothing'! After weekends packed with beach fun, birthday parties, playdates and the 2 classes, Monday dawns so peacefully! No social obligations, no classes, no rushing! It's only a simple day of school and work. An even simpler evening of leisurely play and fairytales. And I intend to keep it that way.
The other day V was wondering how to squeeze in another class. He goes "Amma, if we finish this class and have our snack on the way then maybe we will be only five minutes late for the next"! I understand their zeal and totally love their spirit but sorry kiddos, I'm putting my foot down on karate and ballet....atleast for the time being!
Sun- Music class
Tue- My Mandarin class
Wed- Balavihar
Thu- V's Swimming
Fri- Tennis with Dad
Sat- Dad's music class and Kids' Mandarin class
Monday is our day of 'nothing'! After weekends packed with beach fun, birthday parties, playdates and the 2 classes, Monday dawns so peacefully! No social obligations, no classes, no rushing! It's only a simple day of school and work. An even simpler evening of leisurely play and fairytales. And I intend to keep it that way.
The other day V was wondering how to squeeze in another class. He goes "Amma, if we finish this class and have our snack on the way then maybe we will be only five minutes late for the next"! I understand their zeal and totally love their spirit but sorry kiddos, I'm putting my foot down on karate and ballet....atleast for the time being!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Best time of the day
The best time of the day for me is when my kids are back home from kindergarten. I can hear them even before I open the door. I'm smiling to myself turning the door knob. They barge in and envelope me in two big bear hugs. They're hot, sweaty (from the short 10 min walk back home) and bursting with excitement.
Their sweet little chatter permeates through the house. We sit around the table with glasses of milk and a snack that I have ready for them. And all they want me to do now is just listen. And I do that more than willingly!
I'm all theirs and they're all mine (before they bounce off to the playground or a class) and we're lost in our own little special world!
Their sweet little chatter permeates through the house. We sit around the table with glasses of milk and a snack that I have ready for them. And all they want me to do now is just listen. And I do that more than willingly!
I'm all theirs and they're all mine (before they bounce off to the playground or a class) and we're lost in our own little special world!
"I only like her face, not her heart"!
V has moved to a new kindy which is a stone's throw from our new home. I was very concerned about the move. He had a great set of friends at his previous school and was adored by his teachers. I had several short chats with him to ensure that his feelings were not unduly disturbed (as always, I, the mother, was fretting more than necessary)
He was absolutely fine! V, the resilient child that he is, settled in very smoothly. I was amazed at how he had coped so well with the changes. And then, one day he came home and said that a girl was bugging him. When I probed further, he said that she was bullying him and basically giving him a hard time. She would act like an angel in front of the teacher and behave like a witch behind her back!I told him to seek the teacher's help- "I did ma, but she always acts good in front of the teacher". Husband told him to ignore her and assured him that it was an age-old trick(!!)- "I can't Dada." The teacher warned the girl and asked V to play with other children- "But I want to play only with her".
Our little guy was drawn to her like a fly to a lamp. I asked him why and he surprised me with a "She has a pretty face, ma. I like her". How do I console this child? Unrequited friendship can be excruciatingly painful. All I did was just give him a great big hug!
The little heroine continued her mean behavior with my sonny boy. He bore it well. He made cards for her which she threw in the garbage (I was fuming), he smiled at her and she sneered, he always thought of her as his best friend!
One day, he jubilantly announced that she had included him in play that day and even sat next to him in class. I was sooo happy for him. He seemed very pleased. Thank god, my little one's heart was'nt going to be tortured any further. And then, out of the blue, he said "But I don't think I like her anymore....that much". Why, what happened? Where did that come from?
"I think I only liked her face, ma. Not her heart"!
What can I say son? You got it right! I just pray that this good sense prevails for another twenty odd years when you will meet greater beauties and smarter women!
He was absolutely fine! V, the resilient child that he is, settled in very smoothly. I was amazed at how he had coped so well with the changes. And then, one day he came home and said that a girl was bugging him. When I probed further, he said that she was bullying him and basically giving him a hard time. She would act like an angel in front of the teacher and behave like a witch behind her back!I told him to seek the teacher's help- "I did ma, but she always acts good in front of the teacher". Husband told him to ignore her and assured him that it was an age-old trick(!!)- "I can't Dada." The teacher warned the girl and asked V to play with other children- "But I want to play only with her".
Our little guy was drawn to her like a fly to a lamp. I asked him why and he surprised me with a "She has a pretty face, ma. I like her". How do I console this child? Unrequited friendship can be excruciatingly painful. All I did was just give him a great big hug!
The little heroine continued her mean behavior with my sonny boy. He bore it well. He made cards for her which she threw in the garbage (I was fuming), he smiled at her and she sneered, he always thought of her as his best friend!
One day, he jubilantly announced that she had included him in play that day and even sat next to him in class. I was sooo happy for him. He seemed very pleased. Thank god, my little one's heart was'nt going to be tortured any further. And then, out of the blue, he said "But I don't think I like her anymore....that much". Why, what happened? Where did that come from?
"I think I only liked her face, ma. Not her heart"!
What can I say son? You got it right! I just pray that this good sense prevails for another twenty odd years when you will meet greater beauties and smarter women!
Friday, February 12, 2010
When will I find my prince?
"Amma, why did you marry Dada? I wanted to make him MY prince!"(big pout)
Typical!My little girl adores her dad. But that's hardly reason for me to be concerned. What did, was the fact that she's 3 and already on the lookout for 'her prince'!
Me: Why do you want a prince?
S: to be a princess and live happily ever after
Me: but you are our princess and you are happy now, right?
S: Yes, but I want to be a REAL princess and have a REAL prince!
A little too much of the Disney Princesses? Maybe! Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel and Aurora are up on her wall. She's seen some of these movies and just once. But she's heard all the stories and the impact has of course been huge!
Why do all the Disney princesses have to be saved by a prince, and be so pretty and incapable of taking charge of their lives? Is my daughter concluding that only the male species can rescue and save? Is she learning that to live a good life you need a handsome hunk on a horse? Is she being exposed to sexist notions?
I'm not sure what exactly is going on inside that pretty head of hers. But I know that she's going to believe what I say. So, I exaggerate these tales further by highlighting Snow White's bravery (for spending a night all by herself in the forest), Ariel's 'çan do' spirit and Cinderella's gentleness.
I was secretly thrilled that she loved Mulan and The Princess & The Frog!Mulan fought for her country and made her parents very proud! In the Princess & The Frog, the heroine is gorgeously dark skinned and is bent on pursuing her dream. She has an ambition (and it's not to marry a prince) and is determined to achieve it!
My little one needs to emulate strong women.... women who have passion and purpose. But in the meanwhile, I want my princess to just enjoy being a little girl. And if that means fantasizing about princesses and reveling in a world of love and be it!
Typical!My little girl adores her dad. But that's hardly reason for me to be concerned. What did, was the fact that she's 3 and already on the lookout for 'her prince'!
Me: Why do you want a prince?
S: to be a princess and live happily ever after
Me: but you are our princess and you are happy now, right?
S: Yes, but I want to be a REAL princess and have a REAL prince!
A little too much of the Disney Princesses? Maybe! Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel and Aurora are up on her wall. She's seen some of these movies and just once. But she's heard all the stories and the impact has of course been huge!
Why do all the Disney princesses have to be saved by a prince, and be so pretty and incapable of taking charge of their lives? Is my daughter concluding that only the male species can rescue and save? Is she learning that to live a good life you need a handsome hunk on a horse? Is she being exposed to sexist notions?
I'm not sure what exactly is going on inside that pretty head of hers. But I know that she's going to believe what I say. So, I exaggerate these tales further by highlighting Snow White's bravery (for spending a night all by herself in the forest), Ariel's 'çan do' spirit and Cinderella's gentleness.
I was secretly thrilled that she loved Mulan and The Princess & The Frog!Mulan fought for her country and made her parents very proud! In the Princess & The Frog, the heroine is gorgeously dark skinned and is bent on pursuing her dream. She has an ambition (and it's not to marry a prince) and is determined to achieve it!
My little one needs to emulate strong women.... women who have passion and purpose. But in the meanwhile, I want my princess to just enjoy being a little girl. And if that means fantasizing about princesses and reveling in a world of love and be it!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Books that we love to read over and over again
I read to my kids at every given opportunity. Before school, after school, while waiting for our turn, while commuting, at bedtime, right after their morning glass of milk.....
A 'visit to the library' is always greeted with loud cheers. I encourage them to choose and we can't wait to get back home, cuddle up and start reading.
Here are a few favourites that we've read more than once.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar- Eric Carle
The Little Engine That Could- Watty Piper
Olivia- Ian Falconer
The Rainbow Fish- Marcus Pfister
Berenstain Bear Series- Stan & Jan Berenstain
Arthur and DW series- Marc Brown
Curious George series-Margaret and HA Rey
Charlie & Lola series- Lauren Child
Little Princess books- Tony Ross
Happy Reading!
A 'visit to the library' is always greeted with loud cheers. I encourage them to choose and we can't wait to get back home, cuddle up and start reading.
Here are a few favourites that we've read more than once.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar- Eric Carle
The Little Engine That Could- Watty Piper
Olivia- Ian Falconer
The Rainbow Fish- Marcus Pfister
Berenstain Bear Series- Stan & Jan Berenstain
Arthur and DW series- Marc Brown
Curious George series-Margaret and HA Rey
Charlie & Lola series- Lauren Child
Little Princess books- Tony Ross
Happy Reading!
If God made us, then who made God?
And that's just a sample of some of the challenging questions I face everyday! I try to churn out a rational, easily comprehend-able answer to every question my 5 and 3 yrs old raise. For this one, I had to reach out to my grandma who is presently visiting India. And her wise answer was 'God is not a person. God is love'. Yes paati, but try saying that to kids who have a 'Krishna' poster in their room wedged inbetween their Ben 10s and Princesses.Krishna, to them, is a superhero!
I explained it as best as I could. I told them that Krishna was given 'god status' because he had a lot of love in his heart. Anybody behaving lovingly, kindly and with nice manners has God in their heart. V(my five yr old) asked "So, if I share my toys, then I have Krishna in my heart?" Ï replied in the affirmative. He continued, "What if I utter a blooper or bop my sister on her head". Pat came the reply from his 3 year old sister "Then you have Kamsa visiting your heart"!
I explained it as best as I could. I told them that Krishna was given 'god status' because he had a lot of love in his heart. Anybody behaving lovingly, kindly and with nice manners has God in their heart. V(my five yr old) asked "So, if I share my toys, then I have Krishna in my heart?" Ï replied in the affirmative. He continued, "What if I utter a blooper or bop my sister on her head". Pat came the reply from his 3 year old sister "Then you have Kamsa visiting your heart"!
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