Things are getting a little hectic. Not 'yikes' hectic but more 'fun' hectic. Husband's schedule was always at a different pace. But now, looks like the rest of the family will soon match his! The kids are at an age when they want to do more than just school. Lots more! The little bundles of energy want to try everything and take on more. This is how our week looks like...
Sun- Music class
Tue- My Mandarin class
Wed- Balavihar
Thu- V's Swimming
Fri- Tennis with Dad
Sat- Dad's music class and Kids' Mandarin class
Monday is our day of 'nothing'! After weekends packed with beach fun, birthday parties, playdates and the 2 classes, Monday dawns so peacefully! No social obligations, no classes, no rushing! It's only a simple day of school and work. An even simpler evening of leisurely play and fairytales. And I intend to keep it that way.
The other day V was wondering how to squeeze in another class. He goes "Amma, if we finish this class and have our snack on the way then maybe we will be only five minutes late for the next"! I understand their zeal and totally love their spirit but sorry kiddos, I'm putting my foot down on karate and ballet....atleast for the time being!
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