Vaibhav lives, eats, sleeps and breathes SUPER HEROES! My son, like so many other little boys, has deeply fallen in love with all those guys wearing their underwear as outer wear (with the exception of Lord Krishna..Oh Yes, Krishna is a super duper hero)!
Me: Vaibhs, what is your ambition (random question just to use the word 'ambition' which they had learned recently)?
V: I want to be a superhero
Me: Why?
V: To help people
V: But we don't say WOW to our doctor or the policeman and anyways they wear 'ordinary' clothes. I want to wear a superhero costume and rescue people from big dangers
Vaibhav has a Spiderman costume and mask, Superman costume and cape, Incredibles suit complete

Everyday he will sweetly ask me if he can wear a costume to school and everyday I'll have to ask him to wait for Halloween or a special celebration at school. And not happy with just the costume he now gets his sister to roll wads of newspaper which he will then stuff under his costume- "Only until I get real muscles, ma!"
Two weeks ago, Vaibhs got his first taste of Bollywood through 'Krishh'. He was dazzled! And his verdict- "Fiiiinally there is a real super hero. I know that Batman and the Incredibles are all only cartoon characters. Krishh is just awesome !! Also, amma, I really think that aunty (I'm guessing Priyanka Chopra...but could very well be Rekha) is very pretty"!!!
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