Shriya was sitting on the pot. She usually has a book that she's flipping through. But that day, she had this glazed look and was staring into space. So I asked her what was up and she said that she was very, very worried.
Alright, she had more than my attention now. More probing and she told me in her cute lisp "Amma, I'm so worried about the time when I become a mummy. When I have children, who will clean their poopo?"
Aah, big worry indeed. And here I am worrying about the insane property market and the next assignment to finish on time!I told her that as a mummy she will love her child so much that she wouldn't mind cleaning them.And to that, I got " I will love my kids, but I just can't touch their bums, ma".
Before I could think of the next thing to say that will comfort her- "Amma, will a meteor hit earth again just like it did many years back and killed all the dinosaurs"?
Shriya was onto worry #2 even before I had addressed worry # 1. I stopped her and asked her about the baby bum issue. She coolly said that maybe either her parents or grandparents will take care of it as they are already used to doing it!!!So, every worry did get sorted out with an answer from within.
There's so much going on inside that pretty little head- worries about the future, worries about motherhood, worries about the planet and god knows what else!
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