"Paati, tell us another story",Paati, one last one..promise". And my mother will regale my little ones every night with story after story until I remind her that its way past their regular bedtime! Tenali Raman, Birbal, Ramayana, Gajendra Moksham have all been narrated. And my dancer mother, also a delightful storyteller, will add in sound effects, include her own side tales and enthrall the kids every night.
As I kissed the kids goodnight one day and left them in that darkened room with my mom, I was reminded of the days my brother and I would snuggle closer to our own paati and hear the very same stories mentioned above. It was a world where only the 3 of us existed.
Paati is indeed a special person and her stories even more so to every grandkid. The very same stories when retold by anyone else somehow does not have the same charm. Amma was not just helping me put the little ones to bed with her stories. She was creating such wonderful memories for them. I gently closed the door behind me and left the three of them to enjoy those precious moments in their own special world.
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