Its been a while. A long while!
Not sure why but just could not get down to putting it all down here. Thoughts raced ahead and I would be sure to snatch that wee bit of time to post them here.But I guess I was so busy living my life that I had to make peace with the fact that its OK to be an irregular blogger!
The past few months have been fabulous. Trips to Spain, India and Turkey. The International week at school. Skating and sledding and hopefully skiing this weekend. Where do I start?
I guess I will start with my little darlings as usual. Vaibhav turned 8 and Shriya turned 6. Big milestones, I'm told. I don't know about milestones as I'm still in denial. I just can't believe they can grow so quickly. One minute I was playing peekaboo with them and the next second they grow up on me.
Yes, it was lovely having Vaibhav play 'big boy' when their Dad could not travel with us to India. So reassuring to have another set of strong arms pull and drag those heavy suitcases. It was a delight to see a responsible Shriya help me set up the 'golu' this year. Not only did she handle those heirloom dolls with utmost care but also hosted her entire class at home and told them all about this very Indian festival.
And yet, I feel all mopey when I think of the speed at which they are growing up.These days, I often find myself lapsing into baby talk, especially words and phrases that they used as toddlers. I narrate and re-narrate little incidents from their babyhood and grab them when I can to smother them with hugs and kisses.
They just shake their heads and roll their eyes. "Amma, please, I can't breathe" or "Amma, not in front of the girls" warn me when I've crossed the line. Sigh!
But no matter how old they get or how big they act I know they will always be my babies when they look up at me with those innocent eyes and ask if I can cuddle up in their bed for just 5 minutes. I fuss a bit about delaying bed time but usually comply. Little do they know that the cuddle is more precious to me than to them.