People who had lived in Finland, people who had visited Finland and people who had never heard of Finland- all warned us about the Finnish winter. Some of them pitied us while others admired us for our courage. We smiled shakily not quite sure of what to expect. The kids imagined living in igloos and innocently checked if they would now have to practice greeting everybody by rubbing noses like the Eskimos!

The Dad and I had experienced winters before but were a wee bit unsettled about the winter (read: horror) stories we had heard. Would we be able to survive it all? How will the kids play outside if it's too cold and dark? Are we making it difficult for all of us?

Winter has come and nearly gone too. And I can now safely say that the Finnish winter is not bad at all. In fact it was an incredible experience that I'm sure we'll cherish forever. The kids have embraced it with open arms and refuse to let go. They are now super ice skaters and thoroughly enjoy their afternoons skating either in Ruohalahti ( opposite the International School) or at Rautatientori ( railway station rink). We've all tried cross country skiing. The kids and the dad were predictably good at it. And the best for the last- sledging! I've had a very fun tropical childhood but after all these years for the first time I wished I could have experienced winter as a child. Ah, the unadulterated thrill of going down a slope on a speeding sled! Well, child or not, we sledged tons while the kids grudgingly let us have our turn.

Snowmen, snowball fights, snow angels, snow cricket- we've done it all. Frozen lakes, walking on the sea, wading through waist deep snow - check. It's now time to enjoy the last bit of the winter with 'LaskiaInen'(end of season) parties. It was just yesterday when we were heading back home after an afternoon of winter fun, friends, hot chocolate and traditional Finnish buns that the kids were mentioning how much they would miss the season. I echo their sentiments and cannot imagine living in a country with a single season ever again!

Disclaimer: According to pulic opinion, winter this year was very mild! And we spent the most dreaded dark month of December in sunny India!
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