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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Madras Magic!

I know I'm not supposed to call it Madras but Chennai. But to me, it will be Madras as that's how I've always known it!

Now, I've no strong feelings, attachments, memories with this place. The city is beyond hot, very cluttered and is yet another concrete jungle! I did not grow up here and it was always the 'big city' where I performed (Bharatnatyam, Indian classical dance) or went to a performance!

But Madras means something completely different to my kids. They simply love it! And its easy to see why. They have both sets of their grandparents living there and if that's not reason enough, they get ridiculously pampered in this very city! Having been fortunate enough to travel half the world around, my kids will still rank Madras as their top 3 destinations!

We make a trip atleast once every year and each time, everytime the kids' excitement levels peak! Anticipating their adoring grandparents faces at the airport, visiting the Elliots and Marina beach every single day and having their every whim and fancy catered to- they cant wait for the trip to happen!

I'm glad that they have such strong emotions with an Indian city which they have never called home. I'm touched that they don't find the streets, public toilets or litter revolting. I'm amazed at how they have on the contrary embraced it all as part of the magic that is Madras!

What we do to keep ourselves busy in Madras:

- A day trip to Dakshinchitra- has tons of art and craft activities for the little ones (fantastic open exhibits of art and culture - one place where you will be as enthralled as your kids)

-Gangotri: where we go for our regular fix of chaat (Indian street food served not in the streets but in a hygienic little cafe)

- FunCity: This is a supervised indoor play gym where the kids can go crazy for an hour or so when you can actually shop!

- Elliots and Marina beach: Beware, the beaches are not as clean as they should be. But its more fun than any clean beach! Guaranteed unadulterated pure joy! Kids can go on a bunch of rides, frolic in the water and get so tired that they'll want to hit the sack the minute you go home!

- JuiceShop on Greams Road: This is a drive-in juice shop! Simple thrill- Beating the heat with chilled glasses of fresh juice served right inside the car. My all time favourite is the Mosambi with a dash of lemon!

- Marundeeshwarar Temple: Its a beautiful age-old temple! But what holds it special for the kids is that they can feed the temple calves! The special grass/cow feed can be bought right outside the temple for a few Rupees. Watching the calves munch away while your little ones feed it will definitely be a Kodak moment!

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